MON - SUN: 10:00 AM - 06:00 PM (GMT+8)



Pursuant with the Personal Data Protection Act 2010 (“the Act”), this notice is issued to all our valued customers and/ or prospective customers to inform you that your Personal Data that has been and/or to be collected shall be kept in strict confidence. We are committed in safeguarding the privacy of your personal data and information. Please note that the Company may amend this Notice at any time without prior notice and will notify you of any such amendment.

  1. Collection and processing of Personal Data
    In the course of your dealings with the Company, we will request you to provide your Personal Data to enable us to deliver the necessary notices, services and/or products in connection with our business including the client relationship management, planning purposes in connection with future products, new products launches and promotional events with business partners.
  2. Types of Personal Data Requested
    The type of Personal Data that you may require to provide may includes your name, age, identity card number or passport number, correspondence address, office address, gender, date of birth, marital status, details of children, occupation, income range, contact information including e-mail address, mobile number, house number, facsimile number and office number, details of employer, details of dependents and/ or family members, race, religion, nationality and / or other data deemed relevant and necessary by us.
  3. Purpose
    The collection and processing of your Personal Data are to serve the following non-exhaustive purposes:-
    a. Agreements & Arrangements

    • Delivery of notice, documents, forms, and other documents under the agreements, contracts, memorandum and / or arrangements.
    • Entry into the necessary agreements, contracts, memorandum, and/or arrangements to purchase the products or services from us, including sale and purchase agreement, deed of mutual covenant etc.
    • Credit assessments and / or other background checks as deemed necessary or appropriate by us.
    • Collection of outstanding payments from our clients under the agreements.
    • Vacant possession, keys handover, property estate management, customer care and or defect rectification works.
    • Necessary performance of other obligations under the agreements, contracts, memorandum and/or arrangements.

    b. Services & Products

    • Offer or delivery of our services and products to you whether present or future through e-mail, telephone calls, text messages and social media such as club house services, security purpose, customer loyalty programmes etc.
    • Customer Relationship Management procedures whichever we deem necessary and fit.
    • Client profiling activities in connection with our services and products.

    c. Internal & External Record

    1. Internal record keeping.
    2. Marketing of our products/ services to you whether present or future.
    3. For other marketing relevant purposes including research, benchmarking and statistical analysis.
  4. Legal Compliance
    • Compliance to any legal or regulatory requirements relating to the provision of our services/ products and to make disclosure under the requirements of any applicable law, regulation, direction, court order, order, by-law, guideline, circular, code applicable to us or any associated, subsidiary, related companies of our group.
    • Prevention, hindrance, reporting of any crime including but not limited to fraud, bribery and money laundering
  5. Sources of Personal Data
    The Company collects your Personal Data directly from you and/ or indirectly from your legal representatives, agents, employers when you, your legal representatives, agents and/ or employers send us booking forms, registration forms, online forms, any agreements you have signed, name cards or any identification materials that you have distributed voluntarily, and business directory(s) or listing(s) that you have subscribed to share your information etc. Please note that this is non- exhaustive.
  6. Disclosures of Personal Data
    • We shall keep your Personal Data in confidential but you hereby consent and authorize us to disclose your personal data to the third parties to perform functions on your behalf such as following non-exhaustive list:-
    • Our auditors, engineers, quantity surveyors, land surveyors, business consultants, accountants, lawyers or other professional advisers and/or consultants as we deem necessary and appropriate.
    • Our business partners including online business affiliates, retailers, distributors, agents, merchant which provide, supply, distribute or deal in general with our services or products in connection with our business and in relation to our loyalty programs and other programs.
    • Our sub-contractors or third party service or product providers as we deem necessary or appropriate, including property management, marketing companies etc.
    • Any person to whom we are required under law and / or in response to a local or state or federal authority, industry regulator, enforcement agency, statutory authority, utilities companies, court of laws, tribunal, arbitration centre, commission or council or association legally authorized by law.
  7. Failure to Provide Personal Data
    The provision of your Personal Data is voluntary, however all Personal Data requested by us from you is obligatory unless stated otherwise. The failure to provide your Personal Data will disable us to provide you the notices, services, and / or products requested.
  8. Your rights
    1. Rights to access and correct Personal Data
      You are entitled to request access and make correction to your Personal Data which is held by us (subject always to certain exemptions). We will make every endeavor to ensure that your Personal Data is accurate, complete and up to date.
    2. Rights to limit processing of your Personal Data
      You are entitled to limit the processing of your Personal Data by expressly withdrawing in full of your consent given previously subject to any applicable legal restrictions, contractual conditions by notifying us directly at the contact details as stated in Section 9.
  9. Contact for inquiries and complaints regarding Personal Data Legal Officer
    No. 32A, Jalan Tiara 2,
    Bandar Baru Klang,
    41150 Klang,
    Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia.
    Tel : +603-4252 4888
    Fax: +603-3343 3432